
Tuesday 22 September 2009

Canary Wharf, blinkers on - will anyone discover my BookCrossing?!

Ooh, how exciting!  After a ridiculously long day at work, pain shooting through my back, I got a total blast out of doing my first BookCrossing wild release.

I've known about BookCrossing for years, but was finally inspired to get involved after reading one of Tattooed Mummy's tweets.  The idea behind BookCrossing, is you set books free to have adventures of their own, it's earth-friendly, allows a unique way to share books and clear shelves.  Released books have a code that finders can enter on the web so its journey can be tracked.

So, I dug out my copy of "He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo, the same writers that bought us THAT scene in Sex and City, which was a complete eye opener to me!  Amusing, provocative and occasional just a little bit painful (when you see yourself reflected in the characters), it helped me to realise not to waste my time on men who aren't worth it - leaving me open to the possibility of meeting a good one... enter BoyWonder!

Canary Wharf seemed the perfect place as it's filled with lots of great single girls (I know a lot of them, and I was one of them!) who have dated lots of really crappy men.  So platform level on the Jubilee line, I left the book at the bottom of the escalators.  Before my train arrived I surreptitiously watched loads of people pass it by, so I'm wondering if anyone can get beyond the Canary Wharf blinkers to see it and pick it up. The gauntlet has been thrown! 

I've got a stack more books boxed in the attic, so will dig them out and look forward to having my books discovered, read, reviewed and hopefully travelling the world!

Cheers, KangaRue


  1. Ooh how exciting! Love the photo - I think it's great fun to take a pic. Don't be dissappointed if it doesn't get reported on bookcrossing, it doesn't mean it wasn't found and loved! I've released over 20 now and only 3 were 'found' according to bookcrossing ;-)

    Best of luck, and keep it going, let's make the whole world a library, one book at a time....

  2. Thanks so much! Pics make all the difference don't they. Fingers crossed for responsive peeps picking them up! Explaining book crossing to bankers has been interesting!

  3. Oooh, I think book crossing is a great idea, I'll have to check it out properly, I remember hearing about it years ago.

    There's a box at Banbury Train Station where you can swap books I noticed the other day.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!