
Tuesday 20 October 2009

Do I need a 12-step programme?!

I once heard that girls fall into one of four categories: shoes, handbags, underwear or bathroom products...  WHAT, you mean I have to choose?!!!

But yes, I do have a thing for shoes.  I've always loved my heels, and have built up a sizeable collection.  Amongst the current house renovations, will be shoe shelves, so I will - eventually - be posting photos of those...  However, for over four months now I've been suffering with a bad back, so I decided to assist the weekly physio & acupuncture by not wearing my beloved heels.  Not as easy as it sounds, other than trainers and flip-flops I didn't own flat shoes.

So I have bought myself a few pairs... OK, seven pairs, yes: 7!  I didn't think this was excessive, but my fellow Twitterer @chickenruby thinks I have a problem... what do you think, do I need a 12-step programme?

Cheers, KangaRue

1 comment:

  1. Darling! It's way cheaper than crack, way fewer calories than chocolate and way quieter than constant partying!

    No - you don't have a problem - you have sensibilised your addictive personality ;-)


I'd love to hear your thoughts!