
Monday 9 August 2010

My Eclectic Cycle to Work

About a month ago I started cycling to work in an effort to get fit, from Woolwich to Canary Wharf.  The added benefit of it being a great form of relaxation is only heightened by those days I have to contend with public transport and the masses that push, shove and often stink amongst it!

Some days are a struggle, but some times when I have awoken early enough, it's lovely to take a gentle cycle and admire the views - ranging from the mundane to the architecturally stunning and the just plain bizarre.

Early on my cycle takes me through Royal Arsenal Riverside, with it's beautiful old buildings and the canons...

And then I go past this art installation.  To be honest I'm not really sure what it's about, or even that it's called, but it's an intriguing piece we've lovingly named The Zombies...  this would be the bizarre part!

So off I go to catch the Woolwich Free Ferry which transports cars, trucks, a growing number of cyclists and a few pedestrians directly across the Thames.  I pass the Thames Barrier along the way which is an impressive site - even more so when the sun shines and it glints silver.  That's my destination, Canary Wharf, in the background on the right.

There is a beautiful old pub that has been closed down.  I love the tower with it's cosmic depictions.  Hopefully it will be reopened and restored one day soon.

I keep going past a few factories and at the start of the bike path come across the Brick Lane Music Hall.  In an old church.  Which is not on Brick Lane.  But it's a beautiful building and the mural on the side is lovely.  My goal is to go and see a production here this year - it's crying out for a visit to a panto at Christmas don't you think?

 Along the bike path, dodging oblivious pedestrians, I go past a beautiful garden that leads to the Thames Barrier.  There's a great cafe in the park next to the garden too.  This was just a bare plot a few years ago, so I love what they've done with it.

Amongst the residential blocks, are the Tate & Lyle warehouses and factories.  I love the giant Golden Syrup jar on the side of one of their buildings...

Not much further to go now, and the view changes to the O2 (originally known as the Millenium Dome)... which I'm pretty sure falls under the bizarre category.  It's a striking building though and it's difficult to understand quite how huge it is until you're standing in it's cavernous space.

Obviously the reverse views on the way home.  Impressive and diverse views that I hope I never get jaded looking at.

So what do you think about the views on my commute to work?

Please vote for my photos on Mesomo.

Cheers, KangaRue


  1. I love the Lyles can... wonder how long it will last now? :(

  2. Wow, that definitely beats my commute to work!


I'd love to hear your thoughts!