
Wednesday 18 January 2012

16 & 17/366 - Indulgences

Pickle and I had a quiet Monday.  We went for his weekly weigh-in, and as usual, run a couple of chores then pop into Starbucks.  I often spend a chunk of time here studying, while drawing out a coffee then a sandwich, over a number of hours.  After the frustration of the Child Health Clinic, I felt like a bit of indulgence, so went for a Peppermint Hot Chocolate with cream.  It was delicious, and just what I needed!

16/366 - Indulgence I

Yesterday, we headed into the West End for a spot of shopping.  I needed some of my usual skin-care products from Selfridges.  I'd not been since July last year, so had missed checking out the new Shoe Galleries, and I do love shoes.  While I loved the Christian Louboutin boutique most of all, this pair of Jimmy Choos were my favourite shoes of the day (purple and - almost - turquoise, how could I resist my two favourite colours?!).  Absolutely gorgeous, but way out of my budget at £1,295!  Doesn't hurt to dream though - perhaps Kurt Geiger or Top Shop will do a knock-off?  While I wouldn't indulge with a purchase, spending the time wandering around admiring was an indulgence of time.

17/366 - Indulgence II

Cheers, KangaRue :)

This is my favourite picture this week - I just love the colours, texture and design of these shoes.  Take a look at all my other Project365 posts. Each Sunday you can link up to the weekly favourites at TheBoyandMe's blog by clicking on this button below:  

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Oooh I'm loving those Choos - definitely stuff of my dreams too although I'm not sure I could manage heels that high anymore ;)

  2. ooooh first if all i spied that hot chocolate and went all gooey and then i saw those fabulous shoes darling! wow they are soooooo pretty x

  3. Oh my word! The black ones are just astounding!

    Thanks for linking up to #Project366


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