
Monday 2 January 2012

2/366 - Pickle's recovery sleep


Poor Pickle woke on New Years Eve with a nasty cough and cold.  It's the first time he's been sick, and it's been horrible listening to him cough.  I'm surprised at how lightly I've slept, as I wake to every snuffle, just in case.  He's starting to feel better though, and has been sleeping well to fight against the last of his illness.  I'm loving how pudgy his hands are, and his dimpled chin (just like his Daddy's) is my favourite bit.

Cheers, KangaRue :)

I discovered Project 365 last year when following The Boy and Me on Twitter, and was inspired to do my own this year.  She is doing a weekly link-up for favourite photos of the week.  I was debating between sentiment and technique, but think this photo meets both criteria, hence it being my linky this week :)

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. wow, such a cute photo, hope he is better now x

  2. What a perfect little face! I hope he's feeling better soon.

  3. Hope he feels better soon, it's so sad to see them poorly. He looks so peaceful sleeping, sometimes it's hard to wake them when they look so perfect. xx

  4. He is getting better, thanks. He doesn't like sleeping much, so no need to wake him! He seems to be in a much better mood now and the chestiness only seems to flare up a bit at night. Thanks!

  5. Stunning photo! So beautifully cropped for all the perfect bits you want to go 'ooh ahh' at :o

  6. Fabulous photo, really lovely. Thanks so much for linking up to #Project366 on my blog

  7. He's adorable. Oh my God I am SOOOO broody!

  8. Oh bless! What a gorgeous little face. Hope he's all better now.


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