
Friday 3 February 2012

Bruce the Sudocrem Moose

Last week, Pickle and I were lucky enough to be invited to a Sudocrem launch at the lovely Bill's Cafe in Covent Garden.  Firstly, this shouldn't be confused with Sydney Bill Granger's new London restaurant which I visited earlier in the month.  The cafe-deli-restaurant will definitely be getting a return visit though, as it looked lovely, and the staff were friendly and approachable; while busy and bustling, they couldn't have been more baby-friendly and pram accommodating, which I was somewhat amazed at for such a central venue. But back to the point...

Meet the Sudocrem Mousse
mascot: Bruce the Moose!
I'm a huge fan of the Sudocrem cream, and have a pot at both changing stations at home and a sample pot in the baby-bag.  But the launch was for the two new Sudocrem mousses: a moisturiser and a 50-SPF sunscreen. Made especially for babies and children, the mousse format is quickly absorbed, and you only need the teensiest bit - a little goes a long way.

It's nasties-free, so no colour, scent or parabens, so I've been happy to use the moisturiser on Pickle both after his evening bath and before we go out in the cold and wind; with snow due any minute, it's protecting him, especially when I'm baby-wearing.  He also gets dry skin on his legs, and the moisturising mousse is good at preventing eczema.

You'll be able to find the Sudocrem
mousse at Boots and
independent pharmacies
We've got a trip to Australia planned in a couple of weeks to meet the Grandparentals, so the sunscreen will come in very handy!  It's got the highest rating possible, which is so important to use as an adult, let alone on a baby, as most skin cancers are caused through damage done as a child.  I've lost a good friend to melanoma, and as an Aussie I understand how important it is to slip-slop-slap.  As the mousse is so quickly absorbed, we can go out straight after application, with no need to wait half an hour before exposure - I'm sure this will be beneficial with impatient kids excited to get outside to play!

Cheers, KangaRue :)

Disclosure:  I received complimentary moisturising mousse and sunscreen mousse in order to review the products, and Pickle received a moose toy, that he loves drooling over.  All views are my own.

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