
Monday 12 March 2012

54/366 - Farewell Phoebe

Before the unstoppable and slightly loony Lulu & Hermes, was the adorable Phoebe.  I was lucky enough to be her Mummy before coming to London - my parents agreed to look after her for the "12 months" I was going to be away for... so she has been their cat for far longer than she was mine.  I only saw her a little over a year ago, when she was looking quite fat, and though you can't tell from this photo as she's all curled up, she had become really, really thin.

54/366 - 23 Feb 2012

She'd stopped eating, was only drinking a little water, but it was when she didn't come in for her morning cuddle that my parents realised she would need to be euthanised.  I think she was waiting around to meet Pickle, so it was lovely to have a final cuddle and pat with her.  She was a truly lovely cat, and she had a good run at 16 and a half years (about 115 by human standards), but today was nonetheless, a sad day.  She is now resting under a gardenia plant in the back garden.  Rest in peace, Phoebe  :'(

Cheers, KangaRue :)

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne @ Cooksister12 March 2012 at 08:42

    Oh no - poor Phoebe.  And poor you.  I remember quite clearly the traum of each of our 2 pet cats being put to sleep when I was at school/uni.  Even though it is the kindest thing to do, it's still so damn hard...  Hugs. 


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