
Monday 12 March 2012

61/366 - Bubbah with her Bubbelah

When I told my parents I was pregnant, I asked my Mum what she'd like to be called.  At first she said Nanna, which surprised me... "Don't you want to be Bubbah?" I asked.  She gushed (just a wee bit) "Oh that would be lovely!".  Bubbah (or Bubbe) is the Yiddish word for Grandmother, and her little Bubbelah (or pancake) is enjoying his cuddles.

61/366 - 1 Mar 2012

What are grandparents known as in your family?

Cheers, KangaRue :)

1 comment:

  1. Before passing away my children called one Noni and the other NannyLou


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