
Thursday 15 March 2012

69/366 - Flaming Galah

I do miss the Australian wildlife as well as the trees, gum trees, bottle brush and banksia in particular.  (Though we now have a bottle brush at home, the bumble bees love it, and it's surprisingly hardy under London snow in winter).

On our daily beach walk, Pickle, Mum and I happened upon a tree filled with 17 pink and grey galahs - I'd forgotten about them...

69/366 - 9 Mar 2012

While I've seen a couple of kookaburras, and heard more of them, I haven't taken a photos yet (not to self for a future Project 365 post!).  I've also seen Cockies (yellow crested Cockatoos) but I've not seen any Rainbow Lorikeets yet.

Cheers, KangaRue :)

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