
Friday 16 March 2012

73/366 - Hitting the Books

Trying to fit in study time being a new mum is, shall we say, somewhat challenging.  With Pickle being a baby that fights going to sleep, it can be hard to schedule study sessions and I sometimes end up studying late at night.  Tonight he didn't got to sleep until 9:30pm, so I was studying until just past midnight, and feel like I'm a little behind this week (guess what I'll be doing once this post is up!).

73/366 - 13 Mar 2012
This term I'm studying Mental Health Issues, so it's quite heavy going, but very interesting.  I always find it really interesting when I can relate aspects of what I'm learning to people I know in real life - the academics then become so much more meaningful, though sometimes painful and challenging.

Cheers, KangaRue :)

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