
Tuesday 5 June 2012

157/366 - Jubilympic Cocktail

I've loads of both Project 365 and blog posts to catch up on, but will have to do those out of order... the reason for my blogging break will likely become obvious in due course (the usual excuses of course apply - being a Mummy and studying a degree are certainly not the least of the reasons!).

It's funny, in Australia I'd consider myself a "republican" (but certainly not in the US sense!) - I don't understand the necessity of having the Queen as our head of state; especially as she can remove an elected leadership, which has happened in my lifetime.

However, I like the Royal family in the UK, they're a great tourist attraction and I've been really looking forward to the Jubilee.  I even hung some Union Jack bunting outside our house, and Pickle has been having a great time waving his flag (which should also come in handy for the Olympic torch arriving in the local square).  Pickle is English after all, even if he is now also officially an Aussie.

So for my lovely friend, Caroline's, Jubilee BBQ, I decided we needed an appropriately patriotic beverage.  There is nothing more English than tea, so gathering inspiration from a cocktail I'd tried some time ago, I infused some vodka with Earl Grey tea (full recipe below); using good quality ingredients really does make all the difference, so I'd recommend using the best of these you can afford.  The traditional accompaniment of lemon, topped with lemonade completed the cocktail.  They were definitely a hit, and I'll be doing the infusion again, and trying some alternate mixes.  This was served in short glasses yesterday, but today I used my  vintage tea cups, though martini (marTEAni) glasses could also work.
Vodka infusion
500ml vodka
6 teaspoons or teabags of Earl Grey tea (if you use tagged teabags remove the tags before submersion)

Infuse the vodka with the tea for half an hour.  Shake, then leave for another half an hour.  Strain or remove the teabags.  The vodka can then be kept in the fridge or freezer.

Jubilympic Cocktail
2 medium unwaxed lemons, squeezed

Per glass:
Pour in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, and coat the glass.
Add 50ml vodka 
A few ice cubes 
Top with lemonade
Garnish with a peel of lemon


Cheers, KangaRue :)

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