
Friday 25 January 2013

A boy and his fish (20/365)

Pickle and I often meet our friend Deb for a walk along the ridiculously long Urangan Pier - it's a good bit of exercise to the end and back, and lovely just to enjoy the views.  At the start of the pier is this statue that Pickle is just fascinated with.

20 January 2013

There are some intriguing statues dotted around the Bay - some more bizarre than others.  Once the Cargo Bike arrives, I'm sure I'll be doing some posts on the art works as we go past them.  Be prepared for a lot of whales!

Cheers, Kanga_Rue

1 comment:

  1. He's certainly taken with the boy and his fish. (And I've just realised I've never made an effort to find out if there's a story behind that particular piece of artwork. Oops! Will google now!)


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