
Saturday 12 January 2013

Holding Hands (10/365)

Pickle was sitting on my lap while I was reading to him, quite casually holding my hand, when I managed to capture this shot.

10 January 2013

It just makes my heart melt.

Cheers, @Kanga_Rue

Update: I've linked this photo as my favourite of the week - come see some others entries by clicking here... 
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Lovely picture, such precious moments x

  2. So beautiful, babies hands are so delicate and gentle!

  3. lovely pic and you managed to take it one handed too!

  4. Taken with my phone, so cheating on the one-handedness!

  5. I love the chubbiness, as I know he'll lose that eventually.

  6. Especially as I know it will be a nightmare getting him to hold my hand at all one day. He's so independent now that he doesn't even want to do it when we're walking along!

  7. Such a tiny hand, curious and eager to learn.

    Thanks for linking up!

  8. Lovely, baby hands are the most beautiful things. I've loved watching my little boy learn to do more and more with his hands but even at nearly 3 they are still cute and chubby. My baby girl has discovered hers recently and often lies there gazing at her hands in complete wonder as if she can't really believe that she can make them move.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!