
Saturday 5 January 2013

It's in his blood (5/365)

I don't suppose I should be surprised at how good a climber Pickle is, considering that his parents first date was rock-climbing!

But today when we went to check out the local playground, he clambered his way up this ladder-type construction to make it to the slide.  I hovered near him, and it was only on his third go that I risked taking quick snaps with my phone before dashing back to have my hands nearby in case he slipped - not that he needed me, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

5 January 2013

Each time he got to the top, he applauded himself, which was just adorable... then zoomed down the slide!

How many other 16-month olds are this agile I wonder?

Cheers, KangaRue :)

Update: I've linked this photo as my favourite of the week - come see some others entries by clicking here... 
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Ah brilliant. my little boy was just the same at that age, into everything x

  2. very clever, my youngest just started climbing its all fun and games


  3. He's desperate to start climbing trees - it only gets more scary for us doesn't it!

  4. Bless him, good for him applauding!! Looks like he had a great time, please come and link up with me on Country Kids too!

  5. Fiona, I was just thinking the same thing about your Linky. Will do so when I'm next on my computer as opposed to my phone.

  6. Lovely photos. He looks so pleased with himself! Just adorable.

  7. He's very confident isn't he? Excellent climbing there young man!

    Thanks for linking up and nice to see you back on the project.

  8. Scarily so, but he has been on his feet since 7-months old, so is physically/kinasthetically precocious.

    Glad to be back!

  9. He's having lots of fun. My oldest was like that too, and it appears that my youngest is following suit

  10. Gosh he is agile for his age..

  11. I don't know if I could stop him if I wanted to!

  12. Thanks for linking up

  13. aww so swet him clapping! My three all love climbing around too

  14. My two are big climbers too and they scare me to death. I'm always right by them but hubby is much more relaxed. I dread to think what they get up to when it's just Daddy who takes them out as he just lets them get on with it. I have my heart in my mouth the whole time :D


I'd love to hear your thoughts!