
Wednesday 25 January 2012

25/366 - Swinging

On the way to meeting a friend for lunch today, Pickle and I stopped at the playground.  It was a cold day, and the slippery-dip was a bit wet, but Pickle loves the swings, and I could resist taking dozens of photos.  He was giggling away, which was an absolute delight to watch.


He also saw his first horse today!

Cheers, KangaRue :)

This is my favourite picture this week because of the happiness and excitement in Pickle's face, though it was a tough call between this and his self portrait.  Take a look at all my other Project365 posts. Each Sunday you can link up to the weekly favourites at TheBoyandMe's blog by clicking on this button below:  

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Oh I love his little happy face! Please do add this to my blog on the Country Kids linky too. Was he just as excited by the horse?

  2. What a gorgeous little face! Great moment to capture :)

    (Visiting today via TheBoyAndMe's 366 linky)

  3. He looks so happy to be on the swings - bless him!

  4. Hey Ruth, so adorable,what a smile.  Looks like you're all very happy! =)


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