There seems to be a round of controversy in the media at the moment, from Facebook photo rules, to dubious-quality daytime talk shows and individual Twitter posts, that equate breastfeeding a baby with pornography.
As a Mummy who breastfeeds, I take offense at these ignorant comments. The first and foremost purpose of breasts is to feed a child - they are called mammary glands for a reason. So I have posted this photo of Pickle feeding to show what a beautiful thing it is to me when my darling boy looks into my eyes as I'm feeding him. It is an incredible feeling of trust and nurturing.
76/366 - 16 Mar 2012 |
Now I've had numerous friends who have either been unable to breastfeed their babies for whatever reason, and I'm not criticising bottle-feeding babies in any way. Mummies have to do what is best for them and their babies. Full stop.
What I object to is people telling me that I shouldn't leave the house, or that I should express and then bottle feed (yes, someone actually said this to me on Twitter). Obviously they've never expressed, as it's not the most pleasant sensation, takes far longer than breastfeeding, and it's not like I've got oodles of time to spare. Besides, it's a natural part of life! If you stare at someone breastfeeding long enough, you're bound to see some nipple; my advice if it offends you is: don't look or get over it.
While I love this picture of Pickle, and I do try to be discreet when breastfeeding, I still feel this photo may be a little subtle, so no doubt there will be some future posts.
Cheers, KangaRue :)